Poetry by Claire Boulé
Claire Boulé is an artist from Quebec who has been inspired by the
Rupert River. Her paintings and poetry were featured at an exhibition in
Ottawa in March 2007. This page features her Rupert-inspired poem "Taiga".
CLICK HERE for her
paintings. |
August moon
Fireweed rose spreads out now
On the slopes of my life
The yellow of the trefoil has migrated to northern latitudes
Under the crust of asphalt
The old glacier growls
Barrier of giant shale
A never ending route passes through me
Our world ends and starts afresh
August moon
Over our bare ruined branches
Astonished alone I question
One after the other
Try to abolish absence reopen the wound
I will mask the emptiness
Replant the stripped forest
Let my hand be supple
My fingers nimble
Arm extended I will hold a balance
A dance on paper
Coarse grained cracked earth
Arid plains to cover
I sketch a forest
So much emptiness
My hand loses control
All will be crude and complete
At first a simple line flowing from the lead
Narrow stream of graphite
Will run my length and breadth
Blacks will spring from the fire
For the long scorched breaches
I sketch a forest
A giant hunchback
Flashes of mica on his flayed flancs
Waves of shade in the hollows of his back
Rebounds of light
I will allow myself second chances
Return along the line to the starting point
Rounded out modulations of grey
So much vacant space
I will mask the emptiness
Glut Scrub brush
I cut across the streaks
Percussion zigzag
How to extend my reach over there
Startle and catch this moving scene
Beaver rapids cascade of the Bear
Close knit ranks of the wild fowl
Portage to Waskaganish
Hard beats soft beats
voice of the drum
voice of wandering souls
A fugitive past our tracks
Between sand and gravel
A route without end runs through me
Our world ends and starts afresh
I add the ochre from Wemindji
The red chalk of the painted mountains
Blot out
Silence barely breathing
The lavis runs
Curves remain incomplete
The sealed complaint
Of white for the bare patches
You slip away.
My stroke gets back its force
These lines
I wish free ethereal
Vertical until they quiver
Married to the ephemeral
To duration
Contours softened fragments of horizon
In the tension of the gesture
A point of view absolute a clamour subdued
Then only
Here I am bared in my turn
A slow interior drift
That uncovers what is most secret within me
This sister sorceress this forest
Worked by the chisel
In its centre the fire engraves
Ashes and smoke
Death each summer
Condemned to be shorn and tortured at the stake
This sister body smudged with signs
The water will smooth out again the disorder
The wrinkes the scars
Recompose again crisscross the paper
Between its furrows I will spring forth again
Sketches by lichens
Rose windows on rock
A strange calligraphy springs forth
I put on paper what I can not know
Ancient forces stretch the surface
Make my fingers tremble
Shudder under the bark
Mysterious gift
In the depths of the channels the whales swim
The narwhal points his tusk
Jolts of the route the cariboos leap
Creatures of another era springing from stones
Our world ends and starts afresh
August moon
Over our bare stripped love
I hear the moan of the chapped earth
Multiple mouths of clay
Muskeg rubs shoulders with
The down of seed plants
Sweet softness of cladonies caribou moss
Give back to the morose earth
Its textured colours
Keep them from the bogs
A light touch shapes the mass
Forgotten layers touch the surface
Diluted forms find again their accents
The whole forest will be evoked
All will be crude and complete.
My sister
This icon in the heart of its branches
When she speaks at last
I will fall silent
September moon
Diagonals suddenly bite through the landscape
Abrupt decomposition of the painting
Far off at the end of the road
The widening gyre of birds of prey
Upstream downstream
Rivers bled thrown head first
dams tunnels reservoir
These rivers
Their white anger gone their water deviated
Under the arch of granite
The methodic soliloquy of the turbines
In the centre of the funnels stolen waves turn
The crows caw
The tattoed sky of the north frowns
An alien horde marches across the country
Steel arms and legs
Sad parody of the forest
The northern sky crackles
September moon
Over our charred loves
The forest floor is burned to bare rock
In the far reaches of the taiga a sullen road
You fade away in the rear view
You escape by the right corner of the mirror
Meagre silhouette parting
I will not turn back
A road bares itself by the banks
A part of ourselves crumbles
In the ridges of rock
All our routes end here
Between the islands an opening
A furtive passage
Anchors my gaze
Fine long lines cut the open sea
Rain over James Bay
The whole forest will be evoked
Sister of mine
When she speaks at last
I will fall silent
*** |